Life Review and Alignment

Lost Connections, by Johann Hari gathers together common sense reasons for anxiety and depression, plus common sense “antidepressants.”  While some take issue with Hari’s measured yet clear questioning of long-term antidepressant use, the research he cites, and the stories he tells are in alignment with my experience, study, and client reports.  

According to Hari, the following are elements in our life that lead to anxiety, feeling out of sorts, dissatisfaction with your life, fearful, anxious, feeling bad, self-destructive behaviors, low self-esteem, loneliness, and other negative feelings about life.  

  • Disconnection from meaningful work
  • Disconnection From other people
  • Disconnection from meaningful values
  • Disconnection from childhood (any) trauma
  • Disconnection from status and respect
  • Disconnection from the natural world
  • Disconnection from a hopeful or secure future

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