Life Alignment

Lost Connections, by Johann Hari gathers together common sense reasons for anxiety and depression, plus common sense “antidepressants.”   The research he cites, and the stories he tells are in alignment with my experience, study, and client reports.  

Hari cites nine contributing factors for depression.   Anxiety and depression includes feeling out of sorts, dissatisfied with your life, fearful, anxious, feeling bad, self-destructive behaviors, low self-esteem, loneliness, and other negative feelings about life.  

  • Disconnection from meaningful work
  • Disconnection From other people
  • Disconnection from meaningful values
  • Disconnection from childhood (any) trauma
  • Disconnection from status and respect
  • Disconnection from the natural world
  • Disconnection from a hopeful or secure future
  • The real role of gene and brain changes 

The natural commonsense antidepressants line up easily with these disconnections/causes.  

Understanding what is causing uneasiness and actually “turning the ship around” are two different processes.  Creating an opportunity to both repair the causes and practice with antidepressant thoughts, feelings, and actions is essential.  Consistent practice, support, and objective feedback help insure sustainable progress.  

For a free tip sheet or a phone appointment to see if we can assist you, please call, click, or learn more here.

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