Are you ready for one-to-one support to help you meet challenges and reach goals? Alignment coaching helps you to better understand your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Alignment and understanding leads to greater well being and resiliency.

What if you could have weekly, biweekly, monthly conversations to help you focus your intention, plan, and actions? Click here to and request a free, online, test drive session. 

  • Discover, clarify and understand your values.
  • How could your life be more connected, interesting and satisfying?
  • Is your daily life in alignment with who you are?

Cognitive immunity is a benefit of conversational thought experiments

Upstream’s consulting, mentoring, and coaching services help clients

– Align values, interests, actions, and goals. 

– Make simple, incremental improvements today that can create a better tomorrow. 

You are always “Upstream,”  from the rest of our life. Actions you take now impact Affordable conversational support from a professional can help just about anyone!tomorrow… and the rest of your life.  In any given moment you are “downstream” from all your previous decisions and actions – yet you are also upstream deciding and creating future experiences.

Upstream coaching and mentoring services focus on

  • discovering your authentic value system
  • understanding its relationship to your feelings, thoughts, and goals
  • practicing actions that move you towards your multidimensional goals

Benefits of Coach, Support Advocate, Mentoring Sessions

  • Safe supportive place to explore your life structure
    • Check foundation
    • Support beams
    • Electrical circuits
    • Connections to water supply
  • Scenario learning opportunities
    • Work on life challenges via thought experiments
    • Try out a variety of interactive approaches to situations
    • Report on outcomes and adjust approaches in future
  • Idea/Thought/Feeling Laboratory
    • Professional sounding board
    • Confidential support space beyond family & friends
  • Adaptable Resource – life enhancement, apply as needed
    • Work, family, relationship, creative projects

Upstream Coaching is not therapy. We work with our client’s cognitive/thinking and emotional/feeling experience of life, but we are not “healing” anyone, or “treating” a disorder. If any resolution or sense of healing happens it is in the same way that a life experience can lead to feeling better about who you are.

Cornerstone ideas and books that inform our work include:

  • Mental Immunity: Infectious Ideas, Mind-Parasites, and the Search for a Better Way to Think
    By: Andy Norman
  • Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions
    By: Johann Hari
  • The Neurobiology of ‘We’: How Relationships, the Mind, and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are,
    by Daniel J. Siegel
  • Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself:
    How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One
  • By: Dr. Joe Dispenza

Working with a high quality supportive coach is a rare opportunity which can help you improve your life.