work with a personal coach
Coaching and mentoring services to help you connect to what you value most – within yourself and in the world.

We would like to help you with your next steps.

No one takes new steps entirely on their own. Advocates and support people can help you translate insights into action and speed up the process of improving your life.

Life consultations and coaching is a way to move past what is holding you back,  create more of what you want to experience, and be more in touch with what is important to you.  You can work with a personal consultant (life coach) to feel better, and improve:

  • Yourself
    • Assisted self-assessments
    • Identify areas of concern
    • Discover hidden obstacles in your way
  • Our Purpose & direction 
    • Discovery and realignment for adults
    • Exploration and experimentation for teens
    • Transitions and changes for over 50
  • Our Family
    • Relationships
      • enhancement & refresh
      • Conflict resolution and reframing
      • relationship as “practice”
      • processing and growth factors
    • as a parent
    • as a teen or young adult
    • at school
  • Our work
    • new career
    • promotion issues
    • shift to entrepreneurial work
    •  career-life mismatch corrections
  • Creativity 
    • development
    • blocks
    • discovery
    • loss

Work with a personal coach because two heads are usually better than one, and a support person, and professional problem-solver focusing on challenges with you can make a big difference.

  1. Personal advocate & support person. When was the last time you had someone focus on you, your resources, goals, and life strategies?  An insightful person who will work with your strengths and weaknesses to help you attain your self-defined goals is invaluable.  Work with a personal coach to help you work through self-doubt and find realistic ways to face difficult situations and keep moving forward.
  2. No-judgement Zone.  Success is what you determine it to be.  Goals are what you want them to be.  Experiences simply provide learning experiences that provide feedback for your planning and decisions.
  3. Increase the odds for your success. Opportunities and challenges surround you.  Determining your goals and means to reach those goals is important to being successful.  successful according to your own definition.

  4. Gain insights into deeper issues that might be blocking your path forward.
  5. Connect to opportunities and resources.  When a skilled coach works with you to explore values, discover goals, learn skills and practice those skills – you gain valuable insights into yourself and what you are capable of accomplishing.
  6. Dedicated, focused, support for your life and goals.  A personal life coach means that someone is working with you and supports you with planning and implementing actions that can have life-changing effects.
  7. Extra Energy “Boost” to deal with challenges.  A mentor or coach assists you with both life-long challenges and short-term surprise challenges that can “pop-up” in anyone’s life.  Plus it helps reduce the number of pop-up issues!
  8. Self-Awareness about your life and resource “type” and inherent strengths, strategies, and defenses.
  9. Objective feedback on ideas, past experiences, future plans.  Bring in ideas, feelings, problems, dreams, and work with a respectful, gentle, but direct feedback so you can further shape and refine any element or idea in your life.
  10. Clarification with life and Project “mapping” to visualize and “lock on” to practical daily (and meta goals) drive incremental achievement.
  11. Alignment of thoughts, feelings, words, and actions for more personal integrity and resilience.

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