
Why Work with Upstream?

Working with a personal coach is a way to receive practical, personalized, support. Professional support helps you keep your life in alignment. Life presents opportunity to find more meaning and connection through understanding and clarifying your own self-defined values. Your coach is a personal consultant dedicated to helping you improve your life.


Focused Conversations

Without regular review and feedback from an objective and trusted source it is easy to drift out of alignment with your own chosen direction and goals. 

Seeing New Perspectives

Use a coach as a mirror to better understand what’s outside your normal field of vision. See what is blocking you and discover what how to get unstuck. It’s similar to using two mirrors to see the back of your head!

Awareness = Choices

Talking with a coach increases your awareness of what you are creating.  One goal of Upstream Coaching is to be more conscious of the life we want to create.  

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Take a Coaching Test Drive!

Coaching for alignment, and life improvement. Take a test drive in Austin, Texas, or from anywhere, and see how coaching support can help you. Words on a screen don’t compare to real world exploration and support with a coach focused on you.


Life Alignment

Lost Connections, by Johann Hari gathers together common sense reasons for anxiety and depression, plus common sense “antidepressants.”   The research he cites, and the stories he tells are in alignment with my experience, study, and client reports.   Hari cites nine contributing factors for depression.   Anxiety and depression includes feeling out of sorts, dissatisfied with your life, fearful, anxious, feeling bad, self-destructive behaviors, low self-esteem, loneliness, and other negative feelings about life.  …